Ugh it's so hard to pinpoint anything because it's a live stream that overwrites itself. But I was not able to find the shots fired but I might have missed it but what I did hear was a decent about of yelling and ruckus a few times and that was one that I was trying to show you. It sounded like orders and a clear "go go go"
Please do, if you can provide a timestamp so everybody else can verify I'll retract my statement about it being fake and upvote this post. :)
I'm trying to find it right now but it's like a damn needle in a haystack
At my timestamp can you hear faint orders and "go go go"?
We have tonunderstand this is a livestream and it is overwriting itself so evidence is fleeting
No timestamp in your link, only the whole video.
Ugh it's so hard to pinpoint anything because it's a live stream that overwrites itself. But I was not able to find the shots fired but I might have missed it but what I did hear was a decent about of yelling and ruckus a few times and that was one that I was trying to show you. It sounded like orders and a clear "go go go"
Heard wind and cawing, nothing else. Scanning the surrounding times atm.
Edit: Heard a faint snapping sound with some echoing around 5 min before, not unlike a single gunshot.
Rough time stamp in the video shows -8:39:41 ish
I'm not able to hear it, but I also haven't heard the damn birds so I'm not in the right spot yet I guess
Crap: It was uploaded on the 9th, which means it would be even further back
Not necessarily, it was uploaded on the 10th... UTC.