posted ago by HumblePede ago by HumblePede +37 / -0

Greetings anons of all stripes,

As things heat up in the coming days, we will all be scrambling for intel to feel connected and up to speed. Sometimes that means we will grasp onto any and all comms that come out, especially if they feed our need for hope. I include myself in that lot.

Please keep in mind that when the battles rage, exposing immediate 'on the ground' movements and tactics would weaken our position, especially as standing resources are brought online. That means you will most likely see misdirection and disinformation flying at this time. This is very basic war strategy.

Also, the deep state will absolutely take advantage of this fluid situation to spread doubt and undermine our support. Be aware of this and deal with suspect information accordingly.

Happily, we have much guidance to rely on in the form of Q drops and reliable, confirmed research. We have a very good idea of what will happen and the who and the why, but the when and the where are still cloaked - as they should be to protect mission integrity.

Keep the faith, anons. From all indicators, things are progressing as predicted. The deep state will fight back, as we knew they would, but President Trump and his team have prepared for that.

We are on the cusp of a great awakening, and it will be glorious.