Never understand why mods were so reluctant to embrace discussion of Q (I remember back on Plebbit when they used to delete posts & comments about Q, even informative ones). Was weird since they were pretty open to free speech otherwise. Ended up seeing a sort of split & then as the Q stuff left, so did a lot of the informative discussion. TD used be we way ahead of the narrative before then. If it encourages thought & analysis, I would think that's a positive...
But I'm a scientist & autism runs in my family (though supposedly I am not affected), which I guess is not most people, lol.
I stopped getting involved in Q discussion openly then, since I didn't want to get suspended or whatever, but sort of lurked. Youtube & Twitter censorship made it a lot harder to effectively lurk over time, though. Then I lost track for a while. Tried looking at Q posts myself, but I'm not that good at connecting dots alone.
Never understand why mods were so reluctant to embrace discussion of Q (I remember back on Plebbit when they used to delete posts & comments about Q, even informative ones). Was weird since they were pretty open to free speech otherwise. Ended up seeing a sort of split & then as the Q stuff left, so did a lot of the informative discussion. TD used be we way ahead of the narrative before then. If it encourages thought & analysis, I would think that's a positive...
But I'm a scientist & autism runs in my family (though supposedly I am not affected), which I guess is not most people, lol.
I stopped getting involved in Q discussion openly then, since I didn't want to get suspended or whatever, but sort of lurked. Youtube & Twitter censorship made it a lot harder to effectively lurk over time, though. Then I lost track for a while. Tried looking at Q posts myself, but I'm not that good at connecting dots alone.
I should have checked out this .win earlier, lol.