I remember the satanists get locked in on certain dates and times (11/22/33, etc) for instance 9-11-01, and how President Trump and Q zero in frequently on this. Thoughts please?
Occultism by default is not "satanic". Just like any weapon can be used for good or evil.
Interesting video on 9/11 symbolism
keep open mind
Yes I was just saying this exact thing to my spouse.
Their maxim is.... “ I would rather reign in hell than serve in heaven..”
That's quite the ego.
Which is ironic because they all end up serving anyway... just under the jackboot of some guy who kicks their ass all the time until that one gets deposed and another jackhole becomes the tyrant of the week. Hell is a glorified prison riot in the most secure facility imaginable.
I don't think translating dates into symbols really works because there are too many date formats to choose from. dd/mm/yy. dd/mm/yyyy, mm/dd/yy and so on.
For example I am in England and today eleventh of January 2021 is written 11/1/21