007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Note that these are airport officers licensed to carry firearms, which ordinary UK cops are not. They are supposed to have extended psychological checks and extra training in not losing their shit. They still just blew their fuses.

People in this thread heavily on the side of the cops because they don't like muslims. I am not a big fan either but some of our cops have just gone rogue. How about that guy in the video sitting on the yellow chair with his hands on his head then a cop suddenly notices him and starts beating him around.

All started to become visible during the Covid Hoax when police were dragging old ladies off park benches for wearing their masks wrong or being out of their house for too long in their 1-hour exercise period. Fuck em.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

A large number of US lawmakers are dual-citizens (US and Israel) so good luck trying to get anywhere with an argument that Kamala's dual parents disqualify her.

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

The US immigration service are very wise to fake marriages. Seen it myself close up they will investigate fully. Not that it needs genius-level skillz to spot a fake marriage.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try finding a news outlet NOT sponsored (directly or indirectly) by the government, The BBC proclaims loudly that they are free and independent, yet we have to pay a TV tax and the money goes to them.

007wannabee 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't get it. It's already illegal for non-US-citizens to vote in a US election.

If a non-US person gets a residence visa ("Green Card") then this is all spelled out very clearly when you get it - any attempt at voting and you will be kicked out and not allowed to return.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's the opposite - our existing voting system is easy to understand and the alternative better systems are not so easy. That's why there has been so much resistance to making improvements. It's crazy that under the current system Reform got 3.7 million votes but only 5 seats in Parliament.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of parties and lots of choice is ideally how it should be. Both in the US and UK we have become conditioned to accepting a choice of only two, the crap Red party and the identically crap Blue party.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nigel Farage, leader of Reform Party, is very pro-zionist, although he tries to play it down and not talk much about it. If it were not for that I think your comment could have some merit.

007wannabee 5 points ago +5 / -0

He got interviewed on national MSM news (think it was Sky News) and the reporter asked him a direct question "which you do you prefer and find most useful, the UK Parliament or Davos?" [He had just returned from the WEF meeting at Davos]

He said Davos no question about it

007wannabee 8 points ago +10 / -2

They say he spent five years in jail. The real truth who knows?

007wannabee 3 points ago +4 / -1

"But it's not.backed by anything"

I've stopped even trying to answer that. People have used all sorts of weird things for money - notched sticks, stones with holes in, special seashellls. Tobacco used to be a prison currency but I hear these days it's pot noodles.

So long as everyone recognises it as money and so long as you can't just generate a new one easily then you're good to go. Yes I know Fed printer go brrr but they've got enough guns to make it stick.

007wannabee 5 points ago +5 / -0

Weather is crap here. The fake news are.pushing "warmest May ever, because climate emergency" but everyone knows we have been freezing our nuts off and all.our garden plants don't have the expected growth for the time of year. Im wearing my winter sweaters even though it is Summer Solstice this week. I'm in west London UK.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here in UK, after Brexit, if I buy a silver coin or bar then it comes with 20% tax. Makes it kinda pointless unless you think silver is really going to the moon.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Basketball isn't really a thing in Europe and I have no idea who she is. Can frens fill in some context? Is there some kind of scam going on to keep her off the team? I've heard of Griner of course because Russia.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Passports have printed chevron symbols like this >>>>>>>>> and that area has to be scannned first to get the password to read the chip. So no possibily of anyone sneaking up next to you and grabbing your chip data so no need for RF shielding.

007wannabee 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is an EU standard for passport chips based on X.509 and I suspect it is a world standard. The front cover of the passport has a symbol to ahow compatibility. You can get Android apps to read the chip and see the certificate data.

Microwave does indeed destroy the chip but not a great benefit because they can still visually read the printed data. Also you cannot use the automatic entry gates and instead have to line up for a real border force person.

007wannabee 4 points ago +4 / -0

Africa is not a shithole. Some parts of some African countries are shitholes. But you could say that about anywhere.

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd say about five years ago. I used to go to Munich quite frequently for work but it was always airport-office-hotel-airport. Once I got outside the "business bubble" and went around ordinary Munich that's when I realised I was not welcome.

As I say, Helsinki is even worse.

007wannabee 6 points ago +6 / -0

Germany wants to ban encryption but are getting resistance.

The decriminalising of child porn is so that people will rightly make a fuss and object. Then they can say "well it's too difficult to police unless we can ban encryption".

007wannabee -2 points ago +2 / -4

I don't think it's OK to shoot people based on "they looked real suspicious foreigners and hanging around taking pictures".

I know things are different in the US but to the rest of the world trust me this just looks like excessive force and paranoia.

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