So Signal is always encrypted messaging whereas Telegram has the encrypted option. In terms of encrypted messaging, to me, both are fine. I hear better things about Signal more but that could just be because of popularity.
The thing that sets Telegram a part is that it is really good for groups. If you create a group channel you can have either 200 or 2,000 members (I can’t fully remember right now). Also, Telegram is good for metadata tagging too. So you can add hashtags to your messages and then search for those tags later on. I use it to archive all of my findings that I want to share with others.
So it’s really up to you at this point. Just remember by default Signal is secure whereas in Telegram you have to start a secure chat. Oh, and for whatever reason I don’t think the secure chat function is available on Telegram’s PC app whereas Signal’s is because it’s secure by default.
So Signal is always encrypted messaging whereas Telegram has the encrypted option. In terms of encrypted messaging, to me, both are fine. I hear better things about Signal more but that could just be because of popularity.
The thing that sets Telegram a part is that it is really good for groups. If you create a group channel you can have either 200 or 2,000 members (I can’t fully remember right now). Also, Telegram is good for metadata tagging too. So you can add hashtags to your messages and then search for those tags later on. I use it to archive all of my findings that I want to share with others.
So it’s really up to you at this point. Just remember by default Signal is secure whereas in Telegram you have to start a secure chat. Oh, and for whatever reason I don’t think the secure chat function is available on Telegram’s PC app whereas Signal’s is because it’s secure by default.
This is good info, I appreciate you taking the time to share with me.