I never really considered myself religious. When I was a teen I was an atheist for a long while. Then I moved to a new-age kind of spirituality. But now I'm more of a pantheist believer that God is just a representation of all consciousness (omniscience), energy (omnipotence), and light (omnipresence.)
I'm more curious to read the Bible now. I've read either here or on TheDonald that the King James is the way to go. Do you think so? And where do you begin reading? Cover to cover? Or read certain passages at a time?
I haven't read the entire Bible but I think proverbs and Matthew are good starting points. I read both simultaneously, I was flipping back and forth. Proverbs has so many good words of wisdom, and you can jump into it without it being too overwhelming. Matthew is the origin of Jesus and contains his basic teachings, which though basic are powerful. That was how I went about it as a newcomer (and still am in many ways a newcomer).