Tomorrow after Trumps scheduled speech Q anons will be the most attacked, 2nd after POTUS!? Will Trump mention something to get them riled up??? The Post is dated 11/12 flip it to 1/12?
Not sure but Q drop 2491 fits well I think. Not to mention the feed for the video didn’t start at exactly 3....not saying it started at 3:02 but it wasn’t at 3 either
Removed. Please post comments in the Pompeo mega-thread.
The VOA symbol was prominently displayed. It looks like a backwards Q. Backwards Qs have been posted by Pompeo for two days. There’s something to it.
Big voice
Noticed the same thing
Tomorrow after Trumps scheduled speech Q anons will be the most attacked, 2nd after POTUS!? Will Trump mention something to get them riled up??? The Post is dated 11/12 flip it to 1/12?
I think you’re onto something
Maybe related to the information on the state depts website too?
Not sure but Q drop 2491 fits well I think. Not to mention the feed for the video didn’t start at exactly 3....not saying it started at 3:02 but it wasn’t at 3 either
Maybe we need to look at all Q drops in the 1940s and the 2490s. Don’t know.
A post about the media attacking Q. No, this wasn’t some hidden message from Pompeo.