My father was in the military for 29 years Special Forces Army 27th division combat infantry Wolfhound. This poster is completely wrong things were kept very very quiet. And yes they are humans but they withhold an oath when they joined the real military not the National Guard, I heard my father say many times Annie I just can't tell you anything to my Mother, his wife. They don't blab missions on phone calls. They could be yanked for monkey business.
My father was in the military for 29 years Special Forces Army 27th division combat infantry Wolfhound. This poster is completely wrong things were kept very very quiet. And yes they are humans but they withhold an oath when they joined the real military not the National Guard, I heard my father say many times Annie I just can't tell you anything to my Mother, his wife. They don't blab missions on phone calls. They could be yanked for monkey business.
OPSEC! You are absolutely correct!
That's true. I didn't mean they gossip about OPs.
I mostly ment it as a joke, MP wouldnt just scoop them up, probably just use a phone. Sorta thing. Lol
Bad wording. Bad joke.
I also dont doubt something is up. Just no need to freak over every convoy or on the mobilization. They are doing some major things in D.C. after all.
Exactly. This is utterly obvious, come on people