I understand there are rumours that DJT is a freemason, but then I suspect there are a lot of FM's on the naughty list.
I know some rank and file FM's and they don't seem the sort (although I guess no-one is going to advertise their perversion that openly).
Is it all a front? A recruitment organisation? I ask because the one thing I've been told is that you have to believe in God to join, not sure how that squares up with devil worship.
A lot of the founding fathers were free masons. I wonder if there are both masons and free masons. The main issues is that a secret society can easily be used for power and influence gain. So it's going to attract power hungry psychopaths no matter the original intention.
The people throwing the tea in to the harbor were masons. The problem is just as with any organization it could be infiltrated and it was. There are still many good ones though.