lolll good point actually. Reason number 1 I left those commie sites. I sometimes forget I am not dealing with zombie npc's on this site. Real conservatives still get humor and it ain't in the form of comedy geniuses like Amy Schumer.
Funny how people like Joe Rogan are their own enemies. These PC actors kill their own trade.
Q has said multiple times that she is the end game. Basically a ringleader of sorts. She isn't talked about at all because that is what she needed. To control her deep state puppets she needed to go covert.
Have you seen her size?
It's a massive undertaking.
If the Japanese can perfect whale hunting so can we.
... That might actually seem a little psycho. This is a joke just so people are aware.
Hahahaha you're not on Commie Reddit or Twatter - no need to say it is a joke. We still have this UNBELIEVABLE ability to understand and take a joke.
Cheers, friend.
lolll good point actually. Reason number 1 I left those commie sites. I sometimes forget I am not dealing with zombie npc's on this site. Real conservatives still get humor and it ain't in the form of comedy geniuses like Amy Schumer.
Funny how people like Joe Rogan are their own enemies. These PC actors kill their own trade.
I thought Gretchen Whitmer had bloated for a second there
Q has said multiple times that she is the end game. Basically a ringleader of sorts. She isn't talked about at all because that is what she needed. To control her deep state puppets she needed to go covert.
Q Post 6570 ??
Proven right here boys. Know thy enemy.
Typo? There's only 4953 posts. I dont remember seeing anything about Rosie.
4953 is only the first chapters
Lol fuck you guys I literally searched 6570
Rosie is a diesel dyke
Rosie O'Donnell?
Jabba the Hutt was one of the galaxy's most powerful gangsters, with far-reaching influence in both politics and the criminal underworld.
woman the harpoons
Stacey Abrams if true!
Follow the Twinkie wrappers.... nothing can stop what she is eating- hunger will be her downfall
It would be a shame if she started trending on that stupid blue bird exposed to the world ?
It would solve world hunger!