I have seen quite a few posts on this board regarding what may be coming in form of new government. Q has said a few times "this is about restoring Old Glory", which refers to the actual Constitution and not the revised Constitution of the USA Inc. (Edit: I should have clarified that Old Glory refers to the US Flag at the time our original Constitution stood as the law of the land).
An Act passed in 1871 changed the US from the original Republic (call it the First American Republic) and changed us to USA Inc. The purpose of this was to pave the way for the central bank, theft of property through the IRS, and basically set up a scheme to enslave the American People and corrupt and enrich American politicians.
Few people know the original Constitution actually consists of THREE documents, not two as we know today. The original documents are the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Continental Congressional Clauses. That third document is EXTREMELY important and I will get back to it in a minute.
Q has also stated several times the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence about abolishing government when it becomes abusive to those it is meant to serve.
Additionally, Q has asked what relationship the Marines have to the President. This will become very apparent as I detail more below.
You see, the Constitution as it stands today sometimes seems vague and subject to broad interpretation - such as the Government has used the Interstate Commerce clause and also when it comes to Congress's power to tax. But in the original Constitution, these powers were not vague at all as they were clearly spelled out in the Continental Congressional Clauses. That document, however, would have prevented the establishment of the Central Bank and, more importantly, the IRS.
Bear in mind what was going on in the world at the time of these Clauses being enacted. Kings were basically robbing the citizens (i.e., the public treasury) to live lavish live styles (remember, the French Revolution happened right after the American Revolution). So, what do these Continental Clauses cover? Among other things, here are just a few specifics relevant to things in present times:
1.) The highest form of treason is defined as corrupt politicians (written in the clauses as 'corrupt government officials') using their office to steal money from the public treasury. This is called "piracy" in the clauses. Yes, the Founding Fathers considered this even worse than helping enemies because they knew this was the cause of much of the corruption and oppression in Europe at the time. This applied to all members of ANY government - local, state or federal.
So sending money to foreign powers in exchange for kick backs is TREASON under the clauses. However, the central bankers, in order to get their hands on the treasury, needed to be able to grease politicians palms and therefore that clause would have made it impossible. (Edit: This clause also established the penalties for treason: One offense is immediately being stripped of citizenship and thrown out of the country. Two or more counts was death. There is NO option for prison because our Founding Fathers wanted people to understand how serious treason was.)
2.) In the clauses, it spells out that congress only has the power to tax - THE IMPORT OF FOREIGN GOODS. This would have stood in the way of establishing the IRS, and thus again why this document needed to be buried for US Inc.
3.) Now we get to the Marines. They were created by this document itself. Their actual duty? To protect against piracy, at both land and sea, and to prosecute for treason. Yes folks, under the clauses if you stole public funds or committed other forms of treason the Marines, and the Marines alone, were (are) responsible for protecting the public from GOVERNMENT CRIMES. This is why they are a branch that covers both land and sea (Remember Q mentioning one if by land, two if by sea? Now you know what Q was referencing - the original purpose of the Marines). So what does all this mean for where we are now? I believe Trump and the military are about to 100% abolish the USA Inc. along with all the traitors in the nation. They are then going to establish the Second American Republic restoring us to the ORIGINAL Constitution, including the Congressional Clauses which severely limited Government Powers and had the Marines as the watchdogs of government corruption.
4.) (I edited this in later but I forgot this doozy when I put this post together). Most important to these clauses is that Congress may NEVER amend or change them. That's right. This document gave them specific obligations and they were never allowed to amend them. The Founding Fathers understood the abuse putting Constitutional Changes to government was if they could change their own obligations. This clause is the BIG reason this document needed to disappear because it makes the 16th Amendment (giving Congress the power to tax income),17th Amendment (voting in Senators instead of appointing them) and 20th Amendments (changing date of inauguration) unconstitutional to begin with because these were items the clauses specifically said could not be changed in the Constitution. The bankers couldn't get their hands on our income if that document was continued to be allowed to exist.
Bear in mind, if this happens then Amendments 16 through 27 do not exist anymore as only the first 15 were amended to the original Constitution whereas the other were amended to the USA Inc. Constitution (and thus why the date of March 4 will again be the date of inauguration and not January 20 per the 20th Amendment). However, even if the newer amendments are kept, the 16th, 17th and 20th, at minimum, would have to be removed as they were unconstitutional to begin with.
The purpose of the 20th Amendment moving the original date from March 4 to January 20 was to give little time to expose election fraud (six months was too much time under the original Constitution) and, this election, you saw the absolute evil in that clause for placing "globalist approved" candidates.
Finally, to the headline of this post. If all the above does happen, than it means Trump was officially the last President of USA Inc. and only served one term under it. With the establishment of the Second American Republic, and our original Constitution, his next term would be his FIRST term under the New Republic - and thus he could serve two terms under the re-established Constitution since USA Inc. will now be in the dustbin of history . Food for thought anyway.
Actually, you are correct. It would end the limit of two terms since that Amendment is attached to the USA Inc. Constitution.