There are so many anomalies out there.. the laptops missing from the 6th.. military movement across the nation, 10-15k troops in DC for an apparent “virtual inauguration”, Durham report, 160k sealed envelope indictments of the last 3 years when there’s normally only 1k per year, Guantanamo Bay being reestablished, lights out in Iran, Frankfort servers, all of the election Lawsuit evidence sitting there...
The fact that all members of the Trump team barely mention Biden at all and are operating completely normally, like they aren’t leaving..
There’s even more than this, this is the tip of the iceberg in terms of extraordinary circumstances and behavior.. Things do not add up. Many missing pieces. Many have said the truth is coming out and it will be shocking... Prepare yourselves, I can’t predict the future, but this story isn’t over.
This story is far from over. Just keep the faith it will happen no matter what you see or who tries to tell you otherwise.