POTUS could have killed it IMMEDIATELY for his faithful supporters when he was asked about it...
And he would have had NO REASON, not to.
POTUS could have killed it IMMEDIATELY for his faithful supporters when he was asked about it...
And he would have had NO REASON, not to.
the worst possible scenario is that it was purposely designed to divide the American people. "Woke" on one side and "Awakening" on the other. Both parties thinking they have the moral high ground and the "Right" information.
Use real intel and some "misinformation is necessary" and now you have a controlled opposition and the two teams ready to tear the country apart.
If you wanted to plan a civil war then the teams are being formed and the brainwashing has begun. The learning is deep because people have put individual effort into it and a lot of the information is verifiable.
The other social woke side has been in training in our "re" education centers for years ( higher education) and already thoroughly brain washed with no idea of what the constitution is about.
That is worse case. But has to be looked at. Not what I think but a real possibility
If Q is not government then the Trump admin may just take the Q movement for exactly what it looks like: Huge Trump supporters that hate Human Trafficking
Our country has never been this divided since the civil war. The globalists want to tear our country apart and easiest to do that from the inside.
Had Q been "purposely designed to divide the American people", POTUS could have said so, or even tweeted it to death :)
I think the delta confirmations at least show Q is connected to trump. Then Trump is just a psyops to divide the country, and then not only our faith in A is misplaced, but our faith in Trump too.
well in my comment I said Trump would not know. Not what I believe just a possibility. Here are the 6 possibilities of Q with shades of gray between. I live between 1 and 4. But I like to look at something from all angles so I look at best case and worst case. I was expressing worst case - controlled opposition.
Q is exactly what we think it is
Q is a group of highly intelligent Anons, possibly ex government with the same honorable agenda Q has
Q is a group, very different than what you would imagine, with the almost same honorable agenda we think Q has
Q is a larp started with good intentions, got out of control and Anons went for the ride and cashed in along the way.
Q is a larp started for selfish reasons
Q is controlled opposition
Yes. We have been in a cold civil war for 5 years now. Q and POTUS are attempting to prevent it from going hot.
Keep in mind, however, that it's not divided evenly. Probably more like 70 - 30 or maybe 65-35 in favor of the white hats.
80+ million voted for Trump NOT Biden.
Of all the 450 million guns in this country 90% are owned by Patriots. We're divided all right, but we are the vocal majority now.