posted ago by tukr90 ago by tukr90 +12 / -0


23-Nov-2017 12:05:13 AM EST Post 209:

Why did BO scuttle the shuttle program?

What is SpaceX?

Expand your thinking.

23-Nov-2017 12:10:13 AM EST Post 211: NK_SpaceX

23-Dec-2017 1:10:06 AM EST Post 437:

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.

US loses space dominance.


IRAN Nuke deal.

NK Nuke/Missile Tech.


NASA Tech to ?

HRC SAPs (private server).


$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).


Left eye [marker].





BO cut the NASA funding and cancelled manned missions. Wanted to push NASA to promote Muslim values. What is spacex? An INDEPENDANT Space Program

November 23rd, 30 Days before Elon Launched falcon rocket and called it a "Nuclear Alien UFO from North Korea"

December 22, SpaceX launched the first set of IRIDIUM COMMUNICATIONS Satellites into low earth orbit, Iridium operates the Iridium satellite constellation, a system of 66 active satellites used for worldwide voice and data communication from hand-held satellite phones and other transceiver units.

Iran Nuke deal fell through in late 2017 with the US. DJT refused to certify it, stating Iran did not honor the spirit of the deal and would not allow Iran to get closer to nuclear weapons.

BO admin knew of NK nukes, Trump knew of NK nukes before test, released info about tests.

Dunno who received NASA tech, assuming SpaceX

HRC SAP refers to Hilary's SAP emails from her server. SAP stands for Special Access Program, of which is Classified ABOVE TOP SECRET.

The Eye of Ra or Eye of Re is a being in ancient Egyptian mythology that functions as a feminine counterpart to the sun god Ra and a violent force that subdues his enemies. The Eye is an extension of Ra's power, equated with the disk of the sun, but it also behaves as an independent entity, which can be personified The Eye goddess acts as mother, sibling, consort, and daughter of the sun god. She is his partner in the creative cycle in which he begets the renewed form of himself that is born at dawn. The Eye's violent aspect defends Ra against the agents of disorder that threaten his rule, The Eye of Ra also represents the destructive aspect of Ra's power: the heat of the sun.

Unsure of left eye (marker).

Piece this together as you want in your own interpretation. I like to think that SpaceX was a way for the US to regain power in space. Which BO was responsible for us losing it. SpaceX also launched COMM satellites responsible for COMM and DATA Transmission, among others (ZUMA), and notable Starlink. All of them seem to be important with the blackout weve been waiting for. Somewhere in Hilary's emails, there maybe something related to space programs or nuclear weapons programs and their controllers. Need someone to help connect the dots here. The Eye of RA symbolism is rather eerie and specific. Thoughts?