posted ago by Cyphr ago by Cyphr +620 / -1

A different post brought to light the incredible power of FEMA during an emergency. They can arrest people, suspend 1st and 2nd amendment rights... they have almost god-like powers. I had no idea. Now also consider:

  • The head of DHS was removed, and control of DHS was given to the head of FEMA

  • FEMA brought the NG into DC... not the President or VP or congress. FEMA.

  • The President declared a state of emergency in DC lasting from Jan 11 to Jan 24. FEMA's god-like powers are in full effect during an emergency.

  • The President recently signed The Storm Act, which gives FEMA the ability to give out zero interest funds during an emergency.

  • We are in a state of war since 9/11, and the 2018 EO regarding US election systems also declared a state of emergency. The 2017 human trafficking EO also declared a state of emergency, all of which are still in effect.

It looks like everything is setting up FEMA to kick some serious ass in the very near future...