Speaker Pelosi MIA for THIRD day
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According to Gene Decode, she was intercepted a few days ago attempting to escape the mainland via a deep-sea fishing charter in South Carolina. Hmmmm..... Supposedly trying to get to a sub offshore which was blockaded by the U.S. Naval resources. You can't make this shit up. =:0)
You actually could make that shit up.
LMAO! Good point.
Bwahaha! I do agree that real life would be too fictional for a Tom Clancy book right now.
Others have posted she was on the house floor yesterday evening
Not being a doomer, but she was there on the floor yesterday, at least in the evening.
would like a tad more sauce on this ...
It's in this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X0dXwCoO5I&t=1s
Is Gene Decode on Twitter or You tube?
I didn't see her, but I saw a comment that she showed up yesterday
She was on the floor of the house last night for the "impeachment" vote.
Its just weird as fuck!! There is something happening, this is just so weird of her. She is always wanting to show her Ms. Dirty Oil Filter 1954 face in front of the cameras as much as she possibly can .
Sources tell me she's been updating her Only Fans site with new vids of her and Nadler
I bet that was the one I heard about...an orgy flick with Big Mike, Rosie O'Donnell, Nadler and Kathy Griffin. =:0)