posted ago by PartOfGod ago by PartOfGod +11 / -0

So when I saw the name show up in theDonald menu, I thought this was something else, something much bigger and I think this community can grow beyond our imaginations.

After 20th regardless of the results, I think topics should be expanded beyond Q.

The ultimate tool against the DS, (((them))) etc... is the Big Truth of this reality, the immovable pillar that will insure that no matter what, we will never ever get to this point again.

Part of their agenda is to make you FEAR, FEAR for your existence because all you are is a bio machine and death is final. BULLSHIT! They have been building a perceptual box around us through media to make us think that the physical world is all there is. That when a 0.01% fatality virus is released, people are terrified and throw away their rights because of FEAR.

Why does the CCP go after religion?? Because they want people to not have faith, the only god is the CCP and if you disobey, you will disappear.

TO BE CLEAR: the big truth does NOT require belief, does NOT require you take to anyone's word or any blind trust.

The big truth can be experienced for YOURSELF! and no ONE, no one, will be able to shake what you have experienced.

There are scientist and institutions not well known that have found solutions and tools.

Thomas Campbell - Scientist, this is a great book, fun to read and appeals to the Western materialist culture.




Book: Journeys Out of the Body: The Classic Work on Out-of-Body by Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe institute of applied science.

https://hemi-sync.com/ Binaural beats (Invented by Monroe) are tools

Before I read My Big Toe by Thomas Campbell. My opinion was that when we die, that is it, no god etc... eternal darkness.

but now, it's obvious that we are more than just our physical bodies and don't take my word. You can find out for yourself.

I think Q is only the start of the Great Awakening.