Error 1003 Ray ID: 61110a9f4e430ca5 • 2021-01-13 18:04:45 UTC
Direct IP access not allowed
What happened?
You've requested an IP address that is part of the Cloudflare network. A valid Host header must be supplied to reach the desired website.
What can I do?
If you are interested in learning more about Cloudflare, please visit our website.
If they are in cloudflare then these are cloudflare IP's. The real IP's are hidden to protect against DDOS. The whole reason to use cloudflare in the first place.
Error 1003 Ray ID: 61110a7128637f98 • 2021-01-13 18:04:37 UTC Direct IP access not allowed
I get this error when I tried:
Error 1003 Ray ID: 61110a9f4e430ca5 • 2021-01-13 18:04:45 UTC Direct IP access not allowed What happened? You've requested an IP address that is part of the Cloudflare network. A valid Host header must be supplied to reach the desired website.
What can I do? If you are interested in learning more about Cloudflare, please visit our website.
If they are in cloudflare then these are cloudflare IP's. The real IP's are hidden to protect against DDOS. The whole reason to use cloudflare in the first place.
damn ok I should leave these posts to the techies then
Maybe it is only accessible via I.P. if it goes down? Likely Cloudflare would block it until then (I'm not a techie, irdk)
Damn, I should have done the research before posting. Anyone have correct I.P.s?
They are behind CF, and their IP is hidden due to that. It's acting like a firewall.
I doubt they'll be giving that IP out anytime soon.