We see so much doom and blackpills from TDW. How strong is our faith in God if it takes an unexpected turn?
I'm not trying to scare or doom I'm taking a small hit now to myself so I can continue with my head high. I want Trump to win so much but I'm bracing myself spiritually in case it doesn't. So if it does come I'm prepared in my faith, outlook and actions.
I'm only suggesting you to do the same. A suprise of this magnitude could make you bury your heads when it's needed the most.
Are we preparing ourselves for the worst? Can we continue if it is all against us?
I'm accepting that possibility now.
Keep the faith Patriots.
Christians aren’t supposed to live through the “tribulation”. Stop reading Tim LaHaye and read the New Testament. Especially Matthew and Thessalonians.
False. The tribulation is precisely for the church to endure. It would not be called a tribulation otherwise.
You are conflating wrath with the tribulation. We are spared from God's wrath, but we endure the tribulation that the world enacts on us before the wrath of God. The Bible is very clear in the distinction.
Watch Kent Hovind.
I know who Kent Hovind is. I believe in a lot of his scientific theories. I do not believe in a pre-tribunational rapture and if you can show me in the Bible that there is a pre-tribunational rapture great.
You misunderstood my comment if you think I was stating that there is a pre-tribulational rapture. Kent Hovind does not believe there is one either.
Ok, then we are on the same page.
He says he will deliver us from the hour of testing.
I see the trib period in two parts, there are arguments both for pre trib or mid trib.
I guess you're pre trib
Yes! As true believers in Christ, the dead in Christ will rise first and then those alive in Christ will be caught up in the clouds with Him, then comes the judgement.
The Bible is very clear that the church endures a tribulation and then is delivered before the wrath of God. There is the tribulation of the Church, then the wrath of God on earth afterwards. Read the Bible passages again and this becomes very clear.
I understand this.
I not arguing scripture with you, in this post I'm saying that we don't know where God will take us.
I'm simply saying put your faith in God alone.
Saw so many people lose their way when pence betrayed us, if Trump can't pull this off, I'm still in the good fight for God.
Awesome! I just take every opportunity to spread the distinction between the Tribulation and the Wrath of God because far too many people have been led to believe that they are referring to the same thing.