7 Twitter went javascript-mandatory just a couple weeks ago and now the website burns up my CPU if I leave a Twitter tab open. posted 4 years ago by unique_string 4 years ago by unique_string +7 / -0 Whats up with that? 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Use Nitter.net to view tweets.
Simple solution: Close Twitter for good
I wish everyone would follow your advice
Like thepiratebay they are probably using your CPU to mine crypto currency or worse your hard disk! Close that window.
Trying to offset their massive debt by embedding bit coin miners in the web page?
...and they probably didn't even have the decency to use some reasonably efficient jQuery libs.
They probably don't want PCs on the site as end users anyway, Twitter was created to manipulate "smart" phone junkies with short attention spans.
I don't have a phone. If someone wants to contact me remotely they need to send me a letter.