Before I start I want to clarify that I am not supporting the BLM movement, I am only showing sympathy for those who have obviously been tricked by it.
I watched this video and came to an interesting conclusion...
The majority of BLM supporters could very easily be on our side if they knew the truth. The swamp failed these people and they should make their voices heard.
We are both against the same enemy now, sadly BLM members have been indoctrinated into believing the enemy is us.
BLM was taken over by politicians and socialists to subdue the African American population and push their toxic agenda and it looks like people are slowly realizing this. Even the BLM "manifesto" reads like a Karl Marks novel. These people are unknowingly supporting many ridiculous causes including, "the destruction of the nuclear family structure". I can guarantee that 90% of BLM supporters have not once looked at their own website, if they did many would realize they are fighting against their own values.
I'm praying that these people learn the truth behind their movement. Videos like this completely destroy the MSM narrative and that's why they won't be shown. If we somehow got these people to follow Q it would be our greatest info war victory against the MSM.
I agree.
ALL of the BLM leadership / top people are filthy, satanic, corrupt communists.
One of them has a photo floating around with I think it was Maduro of venezuela.
There's the YouTube vid of patrisse cullors flat out stating she & BLM are "Trained marxists":
I think that, as with any large group, not every single person who claims to support BLM is an evil communist.
All the leadership & top end are communist demons, but I'm sure at least some are decent and have simply been misled by the satanic MSM.
Be careful to not paint with TOO broad a brush...... just like not every single cop is good nor bad; not ALL BLM "supporters" are evil.