Pence will visit 10th Mountain Division on Sunday
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It's gotta be this, right?
That Or Pence double crossed the deep state.
Or he was a double agent all along. I'm not getting my hopes up, but it'd be cool.
This is what occurred to me a short while ago as being the potential truth...
not sure that makes sense. if he doesn't play ball, Trump doesn't get re-elected and he doesn't have to be scared of going to Gitmo.
but then again, he might just realise he is done for and not invoking the 25th will give him a chance of a lesser "sentence" whatever that might be.
what is super interesting though is that he was given that coin when he let Biden's votes be counted. If he was DS, would he not already have one? It's sort of like he was being brought into the group with that gesture.
The accusations by Lin Wood? Disinformation perhaps to get trust between Pence and the DS?
Why would he do that when the 25th is harder to enact than impeachment? Impeachment only calls for a majority in the house while the 25th calls for a super majority in the house.
Double agent