I cannot help but feel like things are going to take place on inauguration day that even we do not expect.
Anyone else feeling like this too? Just feels like there is something else going on, completely separate from anything Q talks about... happening alongside the Q things.
Civil war is gonna brutal. China will def get involved, probably Cuba, Venezuela, maybe EU, UN, Russia, and Iran. ffs even the canadians and mexcans might want to get a piece of the action.
People who are hoping for a civil conflict don't understand that our enemies around the world would be chomping at the bit to invade... we'd be done in weeks.
jungle villagers, sand people, fre-no not them, are difficult to defeat using guerrilla tactics in their homeland.
imagine stockpiled, red pilled rednecks using guerrilla tactics in all 50 states. our entire country is founded on “fuck around and find out”. we will be fine
that's what i mean. if we break out into an actual civil war where the US fights itself, we will not have 50 states to use guerrilla tactics in.
either way, millions of us would not "be fine".
Who exactly tanks ,mortors and rockets.
Again, if we're in a civil war where our military has broken into factions and civilians take off to fight too...
yea, lmao we'd be fucked in weeks
This is an under rated comment
War would not be advisable. An anti government uprise maybe, but civil war would do nothing but sell us to the highest bidder.Many leaders in Washington have sold their souls to have military connections a rag tag pissed of group of patriots could only dream of. This isn’t 1776 so you can bet strategic air strikes from foreign armies would not be in our favor. Thermal satellite imagery, coupled with endless supplies to sheeple armies...yeah, they may be wearing tutus and dye their hair purple, but they’ll eat like kings, live in secured compounds, and have endless ammo. Civil war only works if all resources are split right down the middle....
Agreed. They will all want a piece of our carcass. Molon Labe.
(it's my first post, sry)
Looks like that cowboy needs to get shot! - Hickok45
I really hope that if we have to fight a civil war, that Trump and his generals assume command. We need an actual head with some clout, because otherwise everyone will think it’s illegitimate.
I feel the same way.