I am not new to Q, I hit TDW for awhile but jumped here because it was more positive. I think it already started today. There wont be any big Notice other than if things get violent on the Other side. Too many proofs already.. and no Way in hell does our MAN TRUMP get butt<>Fucked by Biden and the gang of thugs... MILITARY can clean house world wide. Trump is not a politician,,, He said it a zillion times. I am 52 and I have never lived threw shit like this. Seen 7 Presidents come and go.. I know a little history and things like this happen every now and then. We are living threw it. Trump is once in a life time President. He will go down as the best president in US history I truly believe this. This can not end BIDEN because we all know it means DEATH to the USA. Trump knows this.. We know this.. and the people that have been helping him these past 4 know this. Ask yourself how the hell is he not dead if he wasn't so protected No gloom,,, Its going on right now. Over the next days you will see more signs of it..Odd shit. depending where you live. i have no idea what to expect in my area. Anyone who has watched every Trump video and knows everything he has done will tell you. No way is he working alone. Q just woke us up and kept our attention to everything for a reason. If you know Q and trump you can see what is taking place right now. The military is already in place. what more proof do you need at this point. It happening now... I think we are just waiting for something super obvious and we will get that soon. Maybe I am just crazy but 5 years of this and I can tell you. no way is TRUMP out. NEVER GIVE UP is his motto for fucks sake. The military was the one thing they had no control on. Trump is MR military. Like he is not using that option .. You don't become a self made billionaire buy being stupid in multiple businesses !! You people should be celebrating I always keep my promises...he said at the TX Wall speech ...Someone had a RED jersey with 17 on it in the small group that was there. DRAIN the SWAMP is starting now. Epstein / GiZZZlane Max shit starts JAN 19 popcorn day for fuck sakes. Buckle up its show time.
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