24 This Fucker Here (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by BubbaOxs 4 years ago by BubbaOxs +27 / -3 26 comments download share 26 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
What part about Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming does he not understand.
This is pretty second rate disinfo, but I wonder why.
misinfo is needed! especially since he just came out and confirmed Q!
Literally 29m ago people were all "OH HE DEFINITELY KNOWS POTUS IS MEETING W PPPL"
He a doomer now?
I don't know who this guy is, and now I know I still don't need to know who he is anymore.
Yeah...wtf is this shit???
What in the hell is he doing? If it's that serious, why wait until the 20th?
I know right. That is a crazy thing to just say.
wasn't he in the trump safespace hotel lookin rooms from where flynn and powell were giving interviews?
or was he larping assuch?
He was LARPing. Always has been.
What’s he waiting to tell us??
“Oh it was just a prank lmfao”??
Knock it off. That was not on JFK's bell.
that patrick guy everybody keeps ripping on here for fucking aliens smells full of shit to me and this guy has wafted that way a few times.
anyone go deep on him yet??? (no homo)
The Alien slut is Simon Parkes
From everything I’m seeing about Patrick, this guy’s a fag. Disregard and move on.
Isn't this the guy that said Q was fake like last week? Who cares what he says, he's an attention whore
This is a shill
what was the edit too his post? Does anyone know?
I really wish this grifter fuck would go away