DJ Trump in the house!! Nah, I'm too old to say things like that? I'll just say this might be the best post I've seen on any of these pro-GEOTUS sites!
<3 this soooooo damn much brother! Thank you for your time!
I know that SOCOM structure change that Miller did was super important and can barely grasp why but would for real love a deep dive into this one! What does it effect? Who gets removed? What new options, that are now able to be kept secret, are available? Etc.
Why would staying or leaving push someone towards executing people?
Why no Ratcliffe report yet? Is it there but not available to the public? Didn't congress get it? Why has nobody blabbed about its contents yet if so? the holy Durham? Lol he might be one of the last minute smoking guns I know....just like 'Who shot J.R.', I felt I had to ask that or this wouldn't be a complete line of questioning otherwise haha
I don't think it's China NOR do I think Georgia were the actual targets. People with a plan scream at the gardner while the butler's room is searched. Sure, there's always truth inside of the best lie (distraction) but, they weren't the main targets.
Space Force is key. Trump didn't correct anybody who made fun of him for making space pilots and all of that, did he? I don't recall him pushing back with the fact that they are pretty loyal to him, going to be the 18th Intelligence Community member (bypassing the deep state within all the other agencies and having a fresh template with real and non-manipultated data) nor that they were going to have an extremely dominant present in space AND over cyber!
Again - thank you so much for organizing this like you did - this has got to be one of my favorite posts!!
Shit. It was awesome post. I wanted to share it but couldn’t figure out how to copy just the text from phone! Can you send to just one person on Like direct message?
I read the first third of your post and had to stop and commend you on a job well done. I can’t overstate the importance of posts like this. This will be forwarded to everyone that I know will read it. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU.
-proud American atty who would have rather been left the fuck alone......
Well done patriot!
DJ Trump in the house!! Nah, I'm too old to say things like that? I'll just say this might be the best post I've seen on any of these pro-GEOTUS sites!
<3 this soooooo damn much brother! Thank you for your time!
Again - thank you so much for organizing this like you did - this has got to be one of my favorite posts!!
I remember this post from TDW, and saved it there. Great awesome post, glad to see it here too!
Remember the title. I wanna share it but obviously this one got deleted
Why can't i see this post anymore? I tried to save it but save is disabled? now I can only see the comments
Shit. It was awesome post. I wanted to share it but couldn’t figure out how to copy just the text from phone! Can you send to just one person on Like direct message?
Tell us the title to search for it on tdw plz?
I read it all and knew most of it but can’t share it with friends
Will do thanks. Will copy this time
I clicked save but it isn't doing anything nor is it in my saved folder. I'm using Brave - am I doing something wrong?
Same issue
Thank you for putting this together!
I read the first third of your post and had to stop and commend you on a job well done. I can’t overstate the importance of posts like this. This will be forwarded to everyone that I know will read it. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU.
-proud American atty who would have rather been left the fuck alone......