We would have 20k troops stationed in DC, what would you all think about that then? In my mind.... I would think major happenings are coming. Plus considering all of this is a direct result of Trump calling us to DC on the 6th.
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4d Chess.
CHECKMATE is the contracted company for the Biden Inauguration.
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
Please god please god let it be the ppl who arrest him
I LOVE THIS!!! How many more?! ???
All the military in DC is giving me hope.
They way is see it is there are two options for trump, either
-Calling in the IA/FEMA/Martial law
-or a peaceful transition to Biden.
Now we see DC like an army base, and a new video of a curfew in DC for the locals.
Also pelosi sent Trump a letter raising concerns about the militarisation in DC. Shows me this is a white hat operation.
Can you link me to that letter?
I think people started dooming on the 6th after Trump told us to go home. It was very demoralizing to hear that from our President after we had been there for just a short while. But now that the air has cleared it looks like the protest was an operation to gain intel and force the dems to call for maximum security during the inauguration.
I'd be more surprised if you denied the possibility of it.
I would think, it's part of a plan. A Good plan. Might backfire. Doubt it though. It'll only be presented later on MSM as bad if they don't get their way.
Setting the stage for the Yugest show on earth.
Under the guise of riot control
Side thought: "military is the only way.". It's not the standing military that our forefathers were wary of at DC now, it's the more Constitution-agreeable state militias.
A concern of mine is that this was really all just a BS show to increase and peddle fear of the horrible Trump supporters who dare protest for a clean election, but if Pelosi is starting to question this militarization as pointed out elsewhere in the topic, that's actually a little reassuring.
I saw a clip of some soldiers gearing up and making their way out the door, they were all fist bumping a higher up on the way out being told, "go get them!", They were all hyped up, which makes me have to believe there is absolutely no way they were referring to the actual Trump supporters.. just a thought.