posted ago by JoseyMontana ago by JoseyMontana +114 / -0

I worked for several of the large global consulting firms. We analyzed every RFQ, bid, contract, and eventually workplans in excruciating detail using methods that influence and were influenced by military planning techniques. And why not? These firms are part of the Swamp TBH.

We made "decision trees" mapping out every conceivable variation in the course of our giant projects. Each "branch" was evaluated for risk to success in terms of cost and time, and sometimes reputation. The granularity is insane and every one of those lines was peer-reviewed several times and had supporting evidence from our own archives.


This would certainly explain the "time traveler" paradoxes!

In this idea, Q would post selected lines from the decision tree on trigger dates based on their own logic flow. Over several years, most of the tree would be published as drops.

As events transpire, Q team communicates to anons by provoking research into the relevant breadcrumb by date, delta, content, anything included in their "learn our comms" hints.

WE HAVE MORE THAN WE KNOW means we have the whole decision tree, or at least the primary nodes.

There is no Project Looking Glass time lens in use, just a path along a pre-analyzed decision tree. As events transpire certain branches are excluded and we progress along the tree to the end state.

Q signals (a joke for ham radio ops) let us know we are still holding to the plan.

Presumably Q's decision tree is a gazillion times more granular than our consulting firm analyses as a simple matter of the stakes and available resources.

Intelligence is key to the success of the plan so all contingencies can be analysed and addressed with action in near real time.

But make no mistake: breadcrumbs, drops, and various Q-signals tell us the Plan remains active and, if we had access to it, we would know exactly where we are in its execution.

Or at least that's the idea I had yesterday while watching X22 Report, my daily morale boosting exercise in hopium.