Let me be the first to call bullshit. Official letter, with such terrible grammar (and other problems)? I don't think so. Low effort LARP. I give it a 2/10.
If you all read my comment below. I was putting it up to show what kind of bullshit is circulating. Alot you morons jump to conclusions based on what you want to happen and not reality. Good luck.
That was a fake flyer from March.
Let me be the first to call bullshit. Official letter, with such terrible grammar (and other problems)? I don't think so. Low effort LARP. I give it a 2/10.
First post? Handshake account? Okay buddy
New account. No credibility
how long before your new account is considered not a handshake?
==sniff== ewwwww
There is a zero percent chance this is real.....not even a nice try.
We really need the deport button to be working again for fake shit like this.
Not even remotely believable. The grammar is complete shit. Random sentences with no capitalization, random use of ellipsis, etc.
grainy as fuck: check.
handshake account: check.
no date: check.
overly informative: check.
i think this might be real guys.
I call bullshit.
Where did this come from? What is its providence? Is it real or fake?
'provenance' says the grammar nazi
X Doubt
Who let the 3rd graders start posting on this site?
So fake, and you can tell by the shitty grammatical, punctuation and capitalization errors, not to mention properly centering font.
Hard to believe that the NG would announce Trump's plans before he did?
Searched Stafford act, got like 10 different fake news saying it was DEBONKED. No way to know if this is true or not until it happens.
Ain't it weird how all these supposed letters are only ever linked by poor quality phone photos of a screen?
Try harder, glowie.
If you all read my comment below. I was putting it up to show what kind of bullshit is circulating. Alot you morons jump to conclusions based on what you want to happen and not reality. Good luck.
Yup, that would be bullshit squared... bye shill.
This is circulating down in GA. I hit save on the post before I finished typing
Please be real!!