I much prefer this site; runs faster and the dark theme is easier on the eyes:
Also; use this link. To go direct to any particular drop, just put the number at the end.
That link takes you to 143; any other drop you want to go directly to (great for linking here!) just replace the "143" with whatever drop # you want to go to. :-)
I much prefer this site; runs faster and the dark theme is easier on the eyes: https://qalerts.app/
Also; use this link. To go direct to any particular drop, just put the number at the end. https://qalerts.app/?n=143
That link takes you to 143; any other drop you want to go directly to (great for linking here!) just replace the "143" with whatever drop # you want to go to. :-)
Hope this helps.
Search #x instead of just x
144 searches for drop #144
144 searches the contents of the drops for "144"
Welcome fren!