but my brand is actually the Lord Jesus Christ brand, who died to do all of his Father's will
and out of the asian cultures, i think the koreans have the most distilled form of it:
Arnold Toynbee, a British historian and history philosopher, said filial piety and tradition in the Korean family system would help improve the human culture, and thus, they should be maintained and shared widely throughout the world.
I learned about 孝道 (hyo-do) from the Koreans, and I'm inclined to agree with Toynbee.
Moreover, the Christ-centric view is one I think actually elevates the traditional Confucian (and neo-confucian) filial piety to the higher level. We should strive to emulate Christ's filial piety to the Father.
One final question (between you and me): did you hack into GAW to create your ridiculously high and frankly unbelievable post and comment scores accomplished within... 57 days?
Wow. Nice handle.
What variety of filial piety are we talking about here? 孝道?
asking for a fren....
yes, i think it's xiao in traditional Chinese
but my brand is actually the Lord Jesus Christ brand, who died to do all of his Father's will
and out of the asian cultures, i think the koreans have the most distilled form of it:
I agree
I learned about 孝道 (hyo-do) from the Koreans, and I'm inclined to agree with Toynbee.
Moreover, the Christ-centric view is one I think actually elevates the traditional Confucian (and neo-confucian) filial piety to the higher level. We should strive to emulate Christ's filial piety to the Father.
One final question (between you and me): did you hack into GAW to create your ridiculously high and frankly unbelievable post and comment scores accomplished within... 57 days?
Asking for a friend
i joined tdw during the heat of the election fraud
the bible says, the world is supposed to make sense to people bc we are made in God's image
but the more people try to be autonomous from God and leave him out or go against what he says,the less the world makes sense
so i just kept trying to post clarity, sometimes humor, sometimes news, sometimes harsh words
just cant be afraid to be downvoted, thats how the elites control the individuals, through popular opinions
even unpopular opinions, if true, will make sense of the world, and people want the world to make sense
Ah, ok. I see.