He took up painting. (He's not great, but his work has some appeal)
Maybe it is a way to cope with all the bad dreams he has about letting the DeepState kill all those people in the twin towers?
All the others still kept to the DeepState, child trafficking, CCP cock-gobbling, Satan-worshiping, New World Order bullocks. But he seems content just to live life painting dogs and portraits of world figures.
Anyone else heard the rumor he was responsible for the envelopes at GHWB funeral and it was a confession to them that he came clean to Trump about 9/11?
A part of me wonders if he is painting portraits of people he knows are DeepState members; you know, as a possible slow-trickle hit-list for Trump to follow up on?
I'm hoping and praying at least one of these SOBs have repented. That's seeming less likely by the hour, however.
I think he had a hand in, or was "in on" the envelopes. Just look at his reaction. He knew. Perhaps he gave the family up to save himself?
Maybe his father's dying wish? They have been pretty quiet haven't they? Did him or Jeb comment on the election?