Guys.... has this been in front of us the whole time...
The song trump walks out to at every rally - God Bless The USA. Read the lyrics to the first verse:
If tomorrow all the things were gone I worked for all my life And I had to start again With just my children and my wife
I thank my lucky stars To be living here today 'Cause the flag still stands for freedom And they can't take that away
****^^sounds like a reset or a new world to me Holy shit.... is this even real life!!!
I just don’t understand. What happens to the currency currently in circulation? Do I lose my loans with the banks? My business?
Hope you hedge against the dollar.
This article sheds more light on what I believe Trump has done / is doing with the fed:
Also research the term "Debt Jubilee" - all debts are erased. There is real, serious talk of implementing this to keep the economy from totally collapsing due to the CoronaVirus lockdowns.
I can post a few links if you want, but go look for yourself. ?
Thank you!
What do you think? Curious to get others' opinions on that......
Without being disrespectful, but how do you know that?