- God graced my oldest child with exposure to covid (I'm not concern because she has never received a flu shot). The school has placed her under quarantine. In response, I have pull my other kids other of school until the 25th. I don't want them to be in the belly of the beast when stuff goes down. I want them safe at home with me.
- We have stocked up on bottle water and can food.
- I have enough guns and ammo to defend off any assault from roaming gangs of communists dirt bags.
- All of my vehicles are all topped off, but I don't expect to have to use them. I have 2 5 gallon cans of fuel just in case. I considering getting the generator from my pops.
- And most import of all: We have 2 pounds of popcorn kernels and looking recipes. Please share your popcorn recipes because it's going to be the best show ever!!!
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Emergency dry rations (3 months) Water purification tablets Water condenser Two generators - one that's low power but noise supressed (mainly to keep the heating system running*) Other safeguards (I'm in the UK, so no guns unfortunately) Some fuel, but probably not enough. I plan to fill both our cars to the top when stuff goes down - I've bought a syphon pump that can run off a battery powered drill so I can re-fill my jerry can from the cars large 55gallon tanks.
*I had our heating system upgraded last year and also got them to install a bypass socket so I could plug it all in to the gennie.