Soon you will hear about certain high profile people (celebrities, politicians, executives, elite, billionaires) having CV. Here are some CODE WORDS to look out for.
Self Quarantined = under house arrest either under Federal agent guards or ankle bracelet.
Self Quarantined, CV exposure = detained and being questioned by authorities,
Tested Negative for CV = No confession so they are going to trial after worldwide mass arrest. If convicted their reputation and legacy will be destroyed.
Tested Positive for CV = they confessed and
taking a deal, their execution will be out of the public eye. Execution will be portrayed as a suicide or some sort of accidental death. Their reputation and legacy will be preserved
Remember these people are being arrested for major crimes against humanity. NO PITY
Soon you will hear about certain high profile people (celebrities, politicians, executives, elite, billionaires) having CV. Here are some CODE WORDS to look out for.
Self Quarantined = under house arrest either under Federal agent guards or ankle bracelet.
Self Quarantined, CV exposure = detained and being questioned by authorities,
Tested Negative for CV = No confession so they are going to trial after worldwide mass arrest. If convicted their reputation and legacy will be destroyed.
Tested Positive for CV = they confessed and
taking a deal, their execution will be out of the public eye. Execution will be portrayed as a suicide or some sort of accidental death. Their reputation and legacy will be preserved
Remember these people are being arrested for major crimes against humanity. NO PITY
Pay very close attention for these
I hope I didn't break any rules by posting here. I normally just come to read & research. I never post. ....but this looks interesting. ?