The MAJORITY of humans have detectable, common, coronavirus’ in their cells (not #19) but "A" coronavirus. Virus' can't be passed between species and are not airborne.
CDC’s July 13, 2020 document On page 42, in a section titled- “Performance Characteristics,” we find this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”
[Means they’ve NEVER isolated a “CV-19” sample. The CDC, WHO, and their UK equal’s March statement was the event was being lowered to a SEASONAL FLU.]
If "millions" died in China, where are the millions of deaths anywhere else?
The RT-PCR tests cell samples seeking genetic sequences (bits of NON-human DNA) ‘perhaps’ matching known viral genomes, not specifically "Covid-19." The small genetic snippets must be amplified/cycles in order to become discernible.
Amplification protocol over 30x cycles is viewed unusable, unreliable, and scientifically unjustified, yet Drosten (Christian Drosten, director Institute of Virology in Berlin who developed one of the first virological screen tests for patients with SARS-CoV-2) and WHO, recommend tests set to 45 cycles.
Results will indicate the PRESENCE of "some" viral DNA (genetic material) in one's cells like cookie crumbs and not the amounts to make one ill.
"Positive" results nationwide have be found in fruit, sterile water, animals, etc. Tests may pick up dead debris or inactive viral particles posing no risk at all to the patient/others or pick up the presence of other coronaviruses. These may simply indicate past common cold recuperation, but unable to ascertain any current illness, or predict future symptoms, or even if one is contagious.
Chances are, asymptomatic, a positive test just means detection of inactive viral DNA in your body and that you’re not contagious and pose no risk to anyone.
Before his death, the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, repeatedly stressed it should not be used as a diagnostic tool because it’s incapable of diagnosing disease.
It appears millions of people are being found to carry inactive viral DNA that pose no risk to anyone, yet these test results are being called “cases” and used to implement economic and social controls by causing unjustified fear.
Good summary. What is depressing is I discovered all of this after about 20minutes of research in MARCH 2020. Shortly afterwards "lockdown" was announced because of cases. There is no test for covid. Covid probably doesnt exist. A virus isnt even what people think it is, we have been trained to think of it like a computer virus. Swimming against the tide is very tiring.
Thanks. Yeah, been on top of it since about then fren. Got lot of shit from commenters at BB, BLN, GateWay Pundit.
BLN commenters want to blame the "Jews" for everything and will gang up on anyone who offers anything different.
BB just outright banned me, ironically, saying I was an anti semite (just can't win)
GateWay Pundit is shadow banning me know (again) Nothing I post seems to be seen by others as I have asked with a big PLEASE for anyone to just give me an up vote or short reply to affirm I am being seen.
It is truly a battle for truth and communication fren.
Like I pointed out above, corona virus' do exist, lots of them, and lots in our bodies at this time BUT the RT-PCR test is just looking metaphorically for garbage in our system and is NOT a diagnostic tool.
Sort of like going through one of those bags at the side of the road the prisoners put out...yes, full of garbage, but no idea WHAT :-))