I keep seeing these reports that many celebs have been arrested, are wearing ankle bracelets, or have already been executed.
Some have no evidence, and some state that they have been replaced by body doubles/clones.
Clones? Really? If we do have the tech to create a clone, wouldn't we have to grow it?
I'm looking for any real evidence that this is actually happening. I'd love to latch on to the idea that so many have been brought to justice (Soros in particular), but I'm not seeing any good evidence in that direction.
Where do these guys get these lists? How have they determined that these people have been either executed, detained, or are accused of x-crimes?
Seems kind of fucky to me.
Yeah this clone thing is ridiculous even if they do make clones they would be babies not full grown people.
I have no proof of anything but I do know this many celebrities that were always mouthing off have been silent since the attack on the capital dont seem to be any where.
Also many house and senators I noticed were missing when they did the vote for impeachment a lot of the votes were put in by other people.
We are not going to know for a while. I did hear Nancy Pelosi has been arrested apparently she actually did try to leave the country and they picked her up. She came in on the day of impeachment after being missing for a day but was only there for 5 minutes to start off the impeachment. Trump wanted the impeachment to go forward because he wanted people to see they are impeaching him for nothing again. I did also see the photo of Pelosi surrounded by officers being led out of the capital and she did not look happy at all.
Look into clone patents... you'll be wtfing