Literally just prayed, to God, for the first time in years. And it was a prayer to show us the way and the light through this dark time. And to give our POTUS strength and courage to stand against what I believe to be the most evil force on this planet.
Man.....this man and this forum, who supports what he’s doing and the reasons why, has changed my life and I love it here.
Love you guys
That letter shook me and made me re-read Revelations. We are at a crossroads of humanity. Who would of thought it would happen in our lifetime?
It really lays it it out so perfectly.
Before reading that letter I kind of felt: 1) well, seeing America go down and assuming it's a huge deal is so American-centric and was probably wrong and 2) there's been way crazier times and places in the world (ancient empires conquering each other, WW1/WW2, etc).
However, with him saying how there is a huge conspiracy to control mankind so completely. It really feels like this the real deal. Forces of good and evil are fighting for humanity and the forces of evil have infected governments and even religious organizations so completely it's scary. The one encouraging thing is that there are many people on both sides, darkness has not completely overtaken the world yet.
That's what blew me away, that it's the WORLD. The great reset that the evil puppet masters (who shall not be named) have been planning all along. Then Trump comes along and delays them four years, since they didn't cheat enough for HRC. All along they've been practicing their Satanic rituals for Earthly rewards, while the good people do pretty much the opposite.
Now we have 1) people who believed this all along 2) the newly awakened 3) those on the fence 4) those who refuse to see and 5) the dark side. I'd say there's hope for all but 5, but call me an optimist.
Finally, be constantly strengthened in the Lord and in the active efficacy of the might that is inherent in Him. Clothe yourselves with the full armor of God to the end that you will be able to hold your ground against the stratagems of the devil, because our wrestling is not against blood and flesh, but against the principalities, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against spirit forces of perniciousness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
Wow, thank you! Great verse. I remember the armor of God from way back in my Sunday school days but did not remember that part! That is very encouraging. I have been a little down lately, because for at least a short time 'the forces of evil' seem to be winning, but there are warriors on both sides and we are encouraged to stand strong and fight!