Literally just prayed, to God, for the first time in years. And it was a prayer to show us the way and the light through this dark time. And to give our POTUS strength and courage to stand against what I believe to be the most evil force on this planet.
Man.....this man and this forum, who supports what he’s doing and the reasons why, has changed my life and I love it here.
Love you guys
What if we are all the Sons of God?
I've heard the word "Christ-consciousness" thrown around. The Jesus character got his shit sorted, and became a transcendent being. Same goes for "Buddha-consciousness" or "Krishna-consciousness".
Maybe they are like the difference between mushrooms, LSD, and mescaline. All dipping their toes into the same phenomenon but with their own flavor.
I know I know, we've probably all rolled our eyes at the "all streams flowing into one body of water" New Age-ism, but now I'm thinking there's something to that idea.
Human sacrifice is very symbolic. Why you gotta take it literally? The symbol of dying for others is still powerful. Freedom isn't free.
Jesus is a dank meme.