I see three possibilities here:
They are going to arrest Trump or announce he died somehow
They are putting on a show to make the "threat of trumpers" seem real
At this point I have to say this is the least likely --> Mass arrests
And of course we have to compound this with the fact that it was just a week and a half ago that they faked a riot at Capitol hill and went berserk with the "terrorist" claims. CNN has been going insane for nearly two weeks increasing the "threat" level.
I'm not being a doomer so if that's your auto response, fuck off.
Well, your theories fall flat immediately. Who is in control of the national guard?
I've heard conflicting answers to this with no real proof either way. I've heard that he is only in full control of the navy and marines. Got sauce for this, Pede?
As long as Trump is president, he has 100% complete control of our military.
Thought Trump had control of the military...