This question might cause a fiery discourse, but a friend asked me this earlier, and I didn’t really know how to respond. I adore our president, and think he’s our one chance at justice and peace, but can people actually believe in the Reset or GA or anything inspired by Q without faith in our president? Genuinely asking for a friend.
Edit: Don’t attack me, fellow pedes! It might be a shit question, but I’m just asking so I know how to have the conversation with sleepy friends of mine.
Your friend sounds brain washed and obviously they still listen to the main stream news. Why would they hate Trump. Trump has done nothing but good for the American people without Trump Qs plan would not work. The reason they selected Trump is because any one else would have caved to the chinese communists. Trump is saving America. They have no reason to hate that man at all. Everything the main stream news has told them about Trump is a lie.