A few interesting birds at KADW... Another C17 (not pictured) is also inbound... That's a lot of transport capacity, plus what got brought to DC already...

i dont get paid enough to exist in these times.
Either Biden is planning a purge... or.. someone is planning something different than Biden
Hmm. Imagine the nightmare scenario where a dirty bomb is placed there by the deep state to take out a large portion of the military there to arrest them.
I don't like this thought.
Gotta trust our guys got this
A dirty bomb would also be a source of neutrinos, and you can't stop the neutrinos from escaping (they easily go through everything). Theoretically, a detector could pick them up from anywhere. I don't know what the state of the art is for detectors, but if I worked in military intelligence, I would have focused some effort on that starting a long time ago.
Solid point. I trust our guys got this
inbound NG from puerto rico?