Did Space Command Tweeted this BOOM!?
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This is the same guy that people were saying dropped comms last week! He did a book review and a movie review saying "grab your popcorn" and talking about how the movie Midway made people seemed like they were underdogs until they came around and slapped their enemies in the face.
PLUS he tweets this with the location of Colorado Springs, CO which is JUST DOWN THE ROAD from CASTLE ROCK, CO. Where the plane thought to be AF1 JUST LANDED an hour or so back. My heart is racing so much right now holy shit holy shit.
One of his reviews from yesterday was about a book called THE TEMPEST GATHERS. What’s another word for “tempest”, folks?
I've had a few beers after work so I might be getting really over excited about this but IS IT ACTUALLY HAPPENING?
Go look at his main page. He has a banner for MLK day but for January 20th 2014.....not sure what that means but interesting to note. Maybe 2014-2016 is a nod to the three year plan when Trump took office and things started happening? No idea, I’m bad at this. But it means something. It says Let Freedom Ring...
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