posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +22 / -2

It says that pro-Trump people are violently pushing into police and causing violence.

I certainly do not think that is acceptable, and find it hard to believe that the pro-Trump people would do that. Never seen or heard of them doing that before.

But people on the left are being pumped up to be anti-right because of things like this, just like people on the right are being pumped up to be anti-left because of things they see.

People on all sides need to take a step back and think about what is the evidence that is actually being presented. Did this video come out several days after the others did, or at the same time? Would Trump supporters have had the same reactions they did if they saw this earlier?

Did they not see it because it is on a Twitter account and so many Trump supporters got booted and are no longer looking at that platform?

Things to consider.
