I love it! I cannot wait for that sound to go off.... The only other sound that got my attention was the water drop sound notification that indicated a new Q drop....
I am part of the TDW community. You are right they really are mostly anti Q. But here is the thing. I will say this the same way I said it there. Qtards ( sorry ) are Pro Trump. We ( TDW ) are pro Trump. We need to some how work together. If things go good then we should merge together as one force and forgive the mistakes of one side. If things go bad we should also merge together as one force and set our differences aside. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. But I would rather be with you guys then some gender fluid binary Lib Tard. Btw I respect you guys. So much work and dedication. Qtards or not. We are family. Even if we disagree.
Won't be that way for long. Waaaaay too many tdw guys bringing the same shit that made that place into a shithole to here. All memes no pork. Luckily there shouldn't be too much time before its all revealed thougu
I love it! I cannot wait for that sound to go off.... The only other sound that got my attention was the water drop sound notification that indicated a new Q drop....
I appreciated it over there and here too!
I am part of the TDW community. You are right they really are mostly anti Q. But here is the thing. I will say this the same way I said it there. Qtards ( sorry ) are Pro Trump. We ( TDW ) are pro Trump. We need to some how work together. If things go good then we should merge together as one force and forgive the mistakes of one side. If things go bad we should also merge together as one force and set our differences aside. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. But I would rather be with you guys then some gender fluid binary Lib Tard. Btw I respect you guys. So much work and dedication. Qtards or not. We are family. Even if we disagree.
I still do both... not sure we are divided. United we stand!!
I assume it divided down the line of Q believers and non-believers - both MAGA though!
Ask not for whom the pede dooms, it dooms for thee.
Speaking for TDW pedes, we're not doomers, lots of red pills, but we're realists for the most part, doomers get deported. MAGA FOREVER!
Should I update my iPhone or not?
I wish we'd get it in Europe too :(
Memes can stay at TDW. Read the sidebar rules, memes are allowed but keep it informative and now low effort.
Yeah, but we don’t care for memes...
Speak for yourself!
Won't be that way for long. Waaaaay too many tdw guys bringing the same shit that made that place into a shithole to here. All memes no pork. Luckily there shouldn't be too much time before its all revealed thougu