The Nazis miss the forest for the trees. There are many bad Jews, and their typical proclivities are to be defensive to what their fellow Jews do, which tends to get them in trouble defending really bad things. But there are many non-Jews as well that are just as evil and doing just as much damage. We are at war with evil, and it takes many forms and has many sources.
Many of the retards there have taken that posture because Trump is standing up against them, while they want to see things go to hell as fast as possible, because they think they will get to 'lead' in that situation. They know Nazism is as dead as any of the other 1900s political ideologies.
The Nazis miss the forest for the trees. There are many bad Jews, and their typical proclivities are to be defensive to what their fellow Jews do, which tends to get them in trouble defending really bad things. But there are many non-Jews as well that are just as evil and doing just as much damage. We are at war with evil, and it takes many forms and has many sources.
Many of the retards there have taken that posture because Trump is standing up against them, while they want to see things go to hell as fast as possible, because they think they will get to 'lead' in that situation. They know Nazism is as dead as any of the other 1900s political ideologies.