With the huge numbers of NatGuard in the Capital building, perhaps there was an accident. I think most vets would agree with me when you have a large group of bored soldiers in a place things have a way of just...happening.
Sadly before we get our hopes up, we have to rule out far more disappointing causes.
Its because they are expecting heavy commando raids on the capital that will be done by Deep State PMC's. Think blackwater. Think killing or taking hostage non-RINOs, or congress that cooperated. Think symbolic victory for the DS by instilling fear and panic. Think capturing key things to try and control the military into a stand down.
The Deep State is as aware as we are Trump and the USM are not just gonna let a Joe Biden presidency hand the US to China. And their biggest surprise is mercenaries, and good ones at that. This is why DC is crawling with soldiers who have shoot to kill orders. When dealing with commando teams of former spec ops If they had to radio back and forth with command to get authroization to act, the NG will be killed and easily overrun.
Now however, with DC crawling with soldiers, we might see nothing happen. Best case is the attack is utter repelled, but the 2nd best is it looks like it was all insanity because the extremely high security causes the handlers to call off the attack or the mercenaries to refuse to go in. Remember mercs will NOT fight battles they think they will die in, they can't enjoy blood money if they are dead after all.
The key part you are missing is that National Guard are American patriots on American soil. They are people who don't need the army or its paycheck, who willingly gave up their time to defend the nation, not some 18 year old who wanted a free ride to college or didn't know how else to make money. Not saying there are not proud military people serving as active duty for honor, but the point is NG doesn't do it for the paycheck, they are people who have jobs already.
When it comes to defending some shithole town in a shithole country overseas, I would 100% agree with you. NG an't gonna die for Sandfuckistan, NO way national guard would fight as hard as PMC mercs who have their company rep, and thus future meals, on the line.
But in DC with their nation and home on the line? In battle where if they fail everything they love will die? They will fight like the 300 at Thermopylae.
With the huge numbers of NatGuard in the Capital building, perhaps there was an accident. I think most vets would agree with me when you have a large group of bored soldiers in a place things have a way of just...happening.
Sadly before we get our hopes up, we have to rule out far more disappointing causes.
yea seriously lol
Its because they are expecting heavy commando raids on the capital that will be done by Deep State PMC's. Think blackwater. Think killing or taking hostage non-RINOs, or congress that cooperated. Think symbolic victory for the DS by instilling fear and panic. Think capturing key things to try and control the military into a stand down.
The Deep State is as aware as we are Trump and the USM are not just gonna let a Joe Biden presidency hand the US to China. And their biggest surprise is mercenaries, and good ones at that. This is why DC is crawling with soldiers who have shoot to kill orders. When dealing with commando teams of former spec ops If they had to radio back and forth with command to get authroization to act, the NG will be killed and easily overrun.
Now however, with DC crawling with soldiers, we might see nothing happen. Best case is the attack is utter repelled, but the 2nd best is it looks like it was all insanity because the extremely high security causes the handlers to call off the attack or the mercenaries to refuse to go in. Remember mercs will NOT fight battles they think they will die in, they can't enjoy blood money if they are dead after all.
The key part you are missing is that National Guard are American patriots on American soil. They are people who don't need the army or its paycheck, who willingly gave up their time to defend the nation, not some 18 year old who wanted a free ride to college or didn't know how else to make money. Not saying there are not proud military people serving as active duty for honor, but the point is NG doesn't do it for the paycheck, they are people who have jobs already.
When it comes to defending some shithole town in a shithole country overseas, I would 100% agree with you. NG an't gonna die for Sandfuckistan, NO way national guard would fight as hard as PMC mercs who have their company rep, and thus future meals, on the line.
But in DC with their nation and home on the line? In battle where if they fail everything they love will die? They will fight like the 300 at Thermopylae.
Morale is everything in war.