They know this is it for them. We know they are the child of the MI6/CIA/Cabal and if Trump stops Biden they are done. Over.
They are a cornered animal and have nothing left to lose. Guaranteed they have assets within our own military. These are long game people and likely have been raising children since birth for this event.
No doubt our team knows this and is ready. Jan 20th is going to go down as one of the biggest days in all history.
NCSWIC. God speed.
Ok so we wait and relax and let Trump have this....
Somebody please tell me when we get the green light because it’s nothing but wait for it, wait for it, wait for it...what am I waiting for? Complete communism THEN we have to do it ourselves? Someone please tell me what the redline is when we can start doing what our elected officials have so fucking miserably failed to do; uphold and defend the constitution of the USA. You had one fucking job!
You need to consider how deep the swamp is. And how wide it is. The scope of this operation is unfathomable. It can't just be done on a whim. The right things need to happen at the right times. Otherwise it all comes apart. Have some patience, stay home for now, let this play out.