posted ago by Emahsnmadasti ago by Emahsnmadasti +68 / -0

I must say...I see so much panic within the very ranks of the prognosticators ... It does not have to be this way. In my 73 days from today & prior, I have waged a personal war against my own ignorance, fear for self and the good, and loss of optimism and hope, through an intense and progressively deeper dive, finding & moving beyond, until here just 7 days ago. In that time, what is clear to me is during such a monumentous battle as this, a very best place to find golden nuggets of truth that far exceed, while remaining contiguous with the most positive & uplifted of humanity is right here with the Real Q folk! A peaceful mind and bloodstream full of Hopium can be acquired here. LISTEN, LEARN, THINK. Trust the Plan. Where we go one, We Go all.